After the opening reception for Mario Canali's Art Exhibit at the DAC on March 10th I was busy working on some art projects of my own for the art exhibits at my church. The opening for our art exhibit called New Matter is this Sat (3/31) at 8 pm and I'm hoping many will find time to attend. Ecclesia Church is a non-denominational evangelical church located in the old Pacific Theater at 6433 Hollywood Blvd. It is attended by mostly entertainment industry people (musicians, actors, writers, artists etc) in their 20s and 30s and it is a fast growing and spirit-filled congregation.
The opening reception is FREE and open to the public and will showcase the art of amazing artists from Ecclesia church like Graffiti 21, Ramsey Robinson, Megan Cronovich and Aaron Ballard among others. There will also be a brief Q&A with the various artists and the curator, Michelle McCreary. Plus great music including a live band and DJ Righteous Thrash and an assortment of hors d'oeuvres.
Unfortunately, my submissions were not selected but I "plow with hope" for the next time (I Corinthians 9:10) and I'll be at the opening supporting the cause.
Check out all New Matter info at www.ChurchInHollywood.com AND www.facebook.com/#!/events/253416648078736/
and plan to attend if you're in the Los Angeles area.
God bless!
New Matter Review:
Tonight's exhibit had a nice cohesiveness about it that I liked very much...
From the assembled and transformed fracturedness of Sarah Parker's photos and the starkness of each black and white still photo plus the stained glass pieces assembled into a cross by artist, Dion Ramos or the ordered disorder of Ramsey Robinson's piece to the re-birth of new matter post wild fire by Nick and the re-claimed earthy beauty of Megan Cronovich's artwork on a discarded brick or Aubrey's deconstructed and reconstructed painting of a flower to the energy of the people depicted like the rallying civil rights organizers in Aaron Ballard's piece or the jolting of the mirrored guy literally dodging a bullet in Graffiti 21's piece to the dear naked embrace of a pregnant woman by her love as they are preparing for the newest of matter... a baby. I may have missed a few but I think each piece matches the theme and flows very well.
Besides the art-viewing, the flower décor, the food offerings and the DJ entertainment were great, making this event one to remember.
Job well done!
Like I said, this art exhibit was very cohesive and followed the theme New Matter very well. Michelle did a great job as curator and artist and the carpenters also did a good job.
My Favs:
Megan's flowery "reclaimed" brick (tho it needed better lighting),
Aubrey's deconstructed-reconstructed flower,
Graffiti 21's guy who dodged a bullet in the mirror,
Pregnant embrace,
Sarah's kaleidoscope photos
Honorable Mention:
I can't help but like the stained glass cross but I also liked the scale of Ramsey's piece, the energy of Aaron's protesters, the wood, patterns and architectural feel of Michelle McCreary's piece, the storyboard of life after the wild fire and the still B&W of the hands and those of the quiet bedroom.
Not one of my submitted pieces would have flowed with this collective group so I am strangely comforted. Now that piece I roughed out for the egg shells with the cross and the crumbling sad face, that would have rocked (if I do say so myself-lol).
Check out my very shaky video of the event (attached). Please pray I get good video and digital equipment and healing in my hands so all the shaky videos can stop-lol.
God bless!
Oops- the video doesn't want to load up.