Had a blessed time at The Cry-Hollywood last night! I'm sore in spots and a bit hoarse from all the praying, Hallelujah shouts and praise and worship singing but it was AMAZING! Every type of praise and worship music imaginable was performed as well as personal testimonies of people in the entertainment industry who are SAVED plus lots and lots of PRAISE, PRAISE, PRAISE! Guys, our prayers can and will change Hollywood! And, "Yes" even the big L.A. porn industry will repent and bow to the Lord!
A "KEEP THE FAITH" shout out to all the actors (including film and TV stars (like that actor from the movie, The Woods) and others who were present and the producers, directors, writers, casting & production people, make-up and special FX people, singers & musicians, dancers and choreographers, parents of child actors and parents of current celebs (like Justin Biebers mom and Katie Perry's parents who were present also) as well as professional athletes and everyone else who made it to this event and who have decided to put God first and not compromise! We stand together and know that God is able!
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