Keeping The Faith In Hollywood!

Keeping The Faith In Hollywood!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Presidential Pumpkins And Mid-term Elections

I was out enjoying the first bit of sun after a full week of rain and cold weather when a squad of military helicopters flew over head in formation. I started praying like crazy because that usually is not a good sign. I found out later that President Obama was a few blocks up the street in Glendale giving an interview to a Spanish radio station while stumping for Barbara Boxer. Whew!

Which reminds me, I don't "do" Halloween any more for obvious reasons but a friend requested that I carve a likeness of President Obama on a pumpkin and so I did and presented it to him as his birthday gift. It turned out really good (see pics and video) but I think the one I did of George W. Bush in 2001 was even better (I'm serious). I thought of doing a Sara Palin pumpkin too (still serious) and I still may get a chance to do it. The good thing about this being an election year(despite those hateful attack ads especially here in L.A) is that the political-themed pumpkins can be kept up even after the mid-term elections in early November.

As Halloween falls on a Sunday this year, I'll be in church most of the day enjoying the Word, the Christian fellowship and the glorious praise and worship at Ecclesia Church. Pastor Joseph is doing a wonderful study of I Corinthians Chap 1-4 and I can't wait to hear more. Visit the church's website for more info if interested at . By the way, and have terrific ideas on how Christians can spend and enjoy 10/31 including viewing Christian movies and Reformation Day, Harvest and All Saints Day celebrations. I also found lovely ideas for carving Christian-themed pumpkins at .

No matter your political affiliations, don't forget to vote on Tuesday and don't forget to pray, especially for those in authority!

1 Timothy Chapter 2 verse 1-8

Update: 10/31
Had a great time at church! Brent Johnson shared his testimony of how the Lord brought him out of alcohol abuse and depression and we continued our study of 1 Corinthians Chap 1-4 and the cross. The praise and worship was focused on hymns about coming to the cross, too, with the full worship band in attendance. Then Pastor Joseph said the best thing to the congregation (mostly 20-somethings). As a blessing before we left, he said, "Remember who you are tonight". I will add, "And remember whose you are".

Update: 11/2
Got a call from Morgan Freeman last night and was stoked... until I realized it was a robo-call. Who knows, maybe the President will call next(lol). Seriously though, I can't wait for this election to be over and the insane issues defeated 'cause the Prop 19 supporters are already triggering my asthma.

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