9/11 And Prayer:
Mayor Bloomsberg is keeping prayer and Christian religious leaders out from the memorial ceremonies but God bless Bishop TD Jakes for posting a wonderful prayer at www.huffingtonpost.com!
9-11 was all about our need for God and prayer. I was in DC during the 911 attacks then I was blessed to have been able to provide health care to the World Trade Center survivors and first responders for 2 years in NY/NJ after 9/11. Though these first responders and survivors struggled with the horrors of what they experienced, all of those I met were Christians and they expressed their faith in and need for God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).
Many had respiratory problems and all had great emotional scars which needed attending. We arranged for them to get the appropriate medical and mental health specialty care for free but many still asked for help through our mutual faith and so I would hold their hand or shoulder and pray with them in the quiet of a small exam room.
I recited every healing scripture I could remember and held them all like family. I let them know that they were "mighty men and women of valor" and that they made me proud to be an American. I told them that I and everyone I knew had been praying for them since the first plane hit nearly a year before, though we'd never met any of them.
I told them that their experiences and heroic acts that day were the reason I had gotten over my own medical problems of chronic pain and burn-out to return to medicine and to be now caring for them in their time of need. I told them that they had inspired me to believe God for healing even more than I've ever done in my 20 years of medicine!
After some "AMEN"s and a few tears, we were all very comforted and ready to continue the fight of faith for our healing. I have since moved on from New York and New Jersey and from medicine but I still pray for these men and women even now, 10 years later. I also pray for all the families who lost love ones in the World Trade Center attack, Flight 11, Flight 77, Flight 175 and Flight 93.
I tell all who are in need of healing of any kind, "Believe in the Great Physician! Believe GOD!" and "may God bless the USA!"
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